publication Aalberts interim results 2021
This week Aalberts published its 2021 interim results.
We are proud that the Aalberts integrated piping systems business units across the world have made a significant contribution to these results.
Because of the resilience and hard work put out by our mission critical people, great progress has been made.
We look forward to the second half of 2021 and taking on all the challenges that will come our way.
With our fast adaptability, focus, commitment to excellence and relentless culture, we hope to achieve even greater results. For, good is never good enough!
key figures:
- revenue EUR 1,511 million
- organic revenue growth +20.1%
- orderbook +59%
- EBITA EUR 226 million; EBITA margin 14.9%
- net profit before amortisation EUR 169 million; per share EUR 1.52 (+97%)
- increasing capital expenditure for this year and coming years
- acquisitions Sentinel and Premier Thermal, divestments Adex and Lasco